Tuesday, March 13, 2012


As we will be studying our new topic of Space very soon, here are a few links to websites and games.  I think you will really enjoy them.  Leave me a comment to let me know what you think.

Children's University of Manchester- Space
Kid's astronomy
The planets of our solar system
Space kids
3d visit to Armagh planetarium
Space video clips
Space videos
Aliens visit Abbey Primary!
Nine planets


jamie m said...

Space is soooooooooo cool i know a way of rememdering the planets

sacha said...

hi mrs k I am home from my holidays I will bring your present in on monday morning had a fab time , sacha

sam said...

to sam from sam

sacha said...

Hi mrs k can I brin my dsi in tomorrow to let you see the pictures of holidays write back tome

sacha said...

hi mrs k can i bring my red nose in tomorrow from sacha p5k

sacha said...

hi mrs k I was on the news

Amy.f said...

Hi mrs kernaghan i thought when aliens visited Abbey praimary i thought it was really funny!!!!!