Monday, December 17, 2012


Here are some links to fun Christmas activites that you might enjoy using over the festive season.

Santa tracker
Primary games- Christmas
Santa games

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Tutankhamun Project

You will all be completing a project homework on King Tutankhamun very of my favourite homeworks of the year!

Have a look at some of these websites for ideas. They are extremely interesting!

Video- The-Tomb-of-Tutankhamun
Video-Tutankhamun comes to life
Tut facts
Online Tutankhamun book

Monday, October 8, 2012

Ancient Egypt

Here are a few links to some websites about ancient Egypt... enjoy!

National Geographic kids
Children's University of Manchester
Interactive map of Egypt
Facts about the Nile
Brilliant interactive games!

Northern Ireland

Here are a few links to some websites about Northern Ireland, can you find somewhere to visit in N.I. that begins with each letter of the alphabet?
Virtual N. Ireland
Days out in N.I.
Northern Ireland attractions

Mighty Me!

Here are some links to websites about staying healthy and healthy eating - Enjoy!

Interactive food plate

Alisha and Ronnie

Make a balanced plate

Make a healthy lunchbox

Food plate

Football and food

Teeth and Healthy Eating

We will soon be starting our new topic of "Teeth and Healthy Eating" in Science, which you will all find thoroughly enjoyable.

Here are a few links to some really good websites that link to the topic.  I will keep this post updated regularly as we learn more.

The Children's University of Manchester (Teeth)
Tooth Club

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Here is the link, as promised, to the website we use to retell our stories in R.E.
Click on ppt, open, then read only and the story should open as a slideshow. 

Bible For Children

Saturday, September 8, 2012


Here are a few links about Vikings and Anglo-Saxons linked to our story from Essential Text...

BBC History - Vikings
BBC History - Anglo-Saxons

Friday, September 7, 2012

Hundreds, Tens and Units

Here are a range of activities to help you practise exchanging tens for hundreds etc.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Grammar Song

Here is the grammar song for you to practise at home.  I will add the new verses as we learn them.

A noun is a naming word,
a person, place or thing.
An adjective is a describing word,
long, tall and green.

A verb is an action word,
something you like to try.
An adverb helps describe a verb,
and usually ends in "ly".

A comma sits upon the line
and is used when writing lists.
Insert before and after a name,
when writing a sentence. 

An apostrophe goes above the line,
and shows ownership.
Use before and after an "s",
"The Alien's Spaceship".

A simile is a comparison,
using LIKE or AS.
Alliteration sounds the same,
"Lovely Lucy Laughs".

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Welcome to P5K!

I trust that you are all enjoying your time in P5 so far and looking forward to all of our new topics!  I hope that you enjoy using the games and websites on the blog to help you learn about some of the things we will be studying in class. Don't forget to leave a comment about what you think of the blog.

Here are a few games for you to enjoy:

Back to school puzzle
Funny first day at school
Fun with music

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


As we will be studying our new topic of Space very soon, here are a few links to websites and games.  I think you will really enjoy them.  Leave me a comment to let me know what you think.

Children's University of Manchester- Space
Kid's astronomy
The planets of our solar system
Space kids
3d visit to Armagh planetarium
Space video clips
Space videos
Aliens visit Abbey Primary!
Nine planets

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Life of St. Patrick

I found a fantastic website about the life of St. Patrick.  You can watch the videos and play games about the patron saint of Ireland. Try testing yourself using the quizzes at the end of each section to see how much you know!

BBC St. Patrick animation

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Have ago at the Countdown numbers game and see if you can beat your Mum and Dad!


Monday, January 9, 2012

Egyptian Gods and Goddesses

Here are a few links to our work on ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses.
Let me know what you think!

Ancient Egypt Gods-Story
.woodlands-junior Egypt Gods
Children's University of Manchester- Egyptian Gods
Gods information

Explore Egypt

Hi all, I found some websites that you might enjoy, they include an interactive map of Egypt...ENJOY!

Explore Egypt
Egypt Tours
National Geographic