Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Grammar Song

Here is the grammar song for you to practise at home.  I will add the new verses as we learn them.

A noun is a naming word,
a person, place or thing.
An adjective is a describing word,
long, tall and green.

A verb is an action word,
something you like to try.
An adverb helps describe a verb,
and usually ends in "ly".

A comma sits upon the line
and is used when writing lists.
Insert before and after a name,
when writing a sentence. 

An apostrophe goes above the line,
and shows ownership.
Use before and after an "s",
"The Alien's Spaceship".

A simile is a comparison,
using LIKE or AS.
Alliteration sounds the same,
"Lovely Lucy Laughs".


Alannah said...

it is cool

alannah said...

Its Alannah i love this xx

Lauren said...

Mrs Kernaghan I miss you so much.. :)

lucy said...

hi mrs keraghan i love the blog i think it is so fun i am goning to tell evey one about it!!!!! i think it is funny ,intresting and cool

adam McClurg said...

hI Mrs Kernaghan its adam Mcclurg I hope I got all my InCase right evn if I didnt who cares. The Ancient Egypt games are very fun

Jamie McC said...

Hi mrs kernaghan its jamie from your p5 class last year. I cant get onto the school website at my house i typed it in right but it didn't work. Don't know why its like that.

Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

hi mrs kernghan i keep typing www.abbey primary .net to go on mr hutchinsons thing but it wont work

Mrs Kernaghan said...

Hi girls, it is very strange that the website isn't working. Try typing into google, instead of the address bar. Let me know if this works.

Jade said...

Hi Mrs Kernaghan its Jade here i love the bolg its brill! love the games there great thanks for telling me about the blog im going to tell every body in my street
Thanks for telling me:)


lucy said...

Hi my name is Lucy and it is funny because you wrote lovely lucy laughs!!!!!!!!!!

keep in touch

Georgia Leitch said...

Hi im matthew l's big sister and i think this website is brill

Love Georgia xx

£!sh@ said...

hey mrs kernaghan did uhave a fun new years and a fun Christmas