Thursday, April 11, 2013


I have found a few interesting websites on Australia and its history.  You mighy enjoy doing your own research on the topic before we begin talking about it in class.

Famous landmarks
Australian landmarks
National Sites to See
Australia time line
Australia videos
Visit an aboriginal child
Links to Australian websites
About the aboriginal people
Unusual Australian animals
Australia powerpoint presentations


lauren said...

hi mrs kernaghan i love your australia website its fun!(:

Victoria said...

I love lerning about Austrolia!!!

laura P.6 H said...

hi mrs kernaghan i loved lerning about Australia but now we are lerning about the titanic

jj osh 2001 said...

hi its jj osh here i just couldt help going on your blog i was onit for half an hour andi got shouted at but ididnt care i loved larning about Astralia i learnd alot thanks

Amy f said...

hi mrs kernaghan I found out lots about fire.

SAM said...


takeea said...

hi takeea here me and my friend charley are having a picnic
we are in my tent having a picnic it is really fun !!!!! ha ha

Jamie McC said...

is the video of the kangaroo boxing on the blog??????

you do know me said...

i think austrailia is so cool my mum has been there and i like drawing the aborigini art

amy f said...

hi mrs kernaghan i am so sad we are leaving p5 it was so cool i will always be on the blog from p6 p7 mybe untill 1st year

by mrs kernaghan i have had a happy year in p5 byyyyyyyy*****

Nikki said...

My Granny lived in Australia and my great Granny was brought up in Australia
Nikki xx

emily said...

i love learning about Australia that my family is thinking about going to Australia for summer holidays