Wednesday, May 1, 2013


We will be starting our new topic of nature shortly.  Here are a few games and websites you might enjoy based on the topic.  Are you all looking forward to our trip to Castle Espie?

BBC Wild week live on iplayer
FABULOUS British nature video clips
Videos on British animals
Castle Espie for kids
A tree never forgets!
Badger Wood
Wildlife shape poems
Create a super bug!
Living things
Frog Life Cycle
Habitat Match
Types of leaves


rachael said...

mrs kernaghan iam not it the green note goes on Tuesday or Wednesday i think its Tuesday but my mum put on the calender Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

mrs kernaghan does the green note to belouir go on Tuesday or Wednesday because i think its tuesday but my mum put on the calender wednesday .

from rachael:~]

Mrs Kernaghan said...

I am not sure if the green note is Tuesday or Wednesday Rachael, I have a feeling it is Wednesday though. If you read the note it should say on it. I hope you feel better soon!

Yes Jamie, it is absolutely fine that you complete the biggest cave as your poster! I hope the rain stays away for us at Belvoir too!

rayyan said...

hi every1 i have not been on this for a long time.I just wanted to say i had a good time at belvoir

Mrs Kernaghan said...

BBC wild week live are asking you to take photos of wildlife and email them to
They will show them at the end of their show on Thursday and Friday!

olivia taggart said...

i says im a chicken yumm!!

megan hollinger said...

I remember goin 2 belvoir it's soo fun. Mrs Kernaghan I still come on here 2 see wot ur class r doin at the moment and i saw that everybody is talking about Belvoir in the posts even though u went a while a go lol!! it's my birthday 2day so happy birthday 2 me lol!! byee

Nikki said...

Hi Everyone,just sitting in cruches.My uncle jumped on top of my foot on the trumoleen.I havn't broken it but I twisted it.Yes it was very sore. It is really brused and there like a slope at my ancle

Nikki said...

Its my little sisters birthday on thursday 4th of Aug. She will be 3. Were hoping to be going to snakes and ladders.When we come back me and my sister are haveing a party. Im saving up for a really special presant,but I dont Know what....